Usage: In circumcision, the foreskin is removed to exposed the head of the penis. It’s a quick procedure that causes very little bleeding and stitches aren’t needed. ( See below pictures)
Damages of foreskin or phimosis
1: Influence development of penis
2: Cause urinary infection, foreskin dirty easily breeding variety of bacteria and viruses ( such as HIV).
3: Affect quality of sexual life
4: Probably cause cross infection to woman
How to procedure circumcision ?
Circumcision is common procedure in which the skin covering the tip of the penis is surgically removed. The operation only takes 5-10 minutes. It‘s usually performed on a newborn boy before he leaves the hospital, and often within the first 2 days of life. In the Jewish faith, it is performed in a special ceremony when a baby is 8 days old. In the world, over 20% male have circumcision ( Including new born, Children, Adult).
Step 1: Sterilize and penis anaesthesia ( more details please see video offered by your sales representative )
Step 2: Cup shape knob placed over glans
In order to judge how long foreskin need to cut, head of penis should fully “ exposed ” .
Then separating the foreskin from the glans by Gripping up foreskin tip by hemostat , Incision is made on the top of the foreskin after separating the foreskin form the glans. To minimize bleeding, the foreskin is previously crushed with a hemostat along the line of the incision for one minute. A cup shape knob is placed over glans and the foreskin is pulled over the cup shape knob.
Step 3: Tie around the foreskin to trim away
A ligature is tied around the foreskin along with cup shape knob. Foreskin beyond the ligature will be trimmed away.
Step 4: Cut off the foreskin by EasyThru® Circumcision Device
Screw the knob into circumcision device, open the red safety clip, and press the handle to cut off foreskin.
Step 5: Wrap the incision simply
After a circumcision, doctors will wrap incision by cotton gauze bandage.
After the Procedure
1:There is very little bleeding after circumcision. Though you may see a little bit of blood oozing from the edge of the incision, this will generally stop on its own.
2: Postoperative edema: Usually don‘t have to take action. Edema will regress automatically, serious edema need detumescence processing in the hospital.
3: Suturing nail will be dropped automatically after 7-10 days.
4: Avoid strenuous exercise after circumcision; Shower after one week of operation, sterilize wound by iodine every day when you start shower, and wrap wound simply by clean gauze or bandage.
5: Ware bigger breathable trousers, below is the cured picture after circumcision.